Unique System Features
Simultaneous dual-view detection and multi-sided illumination of samples to capture embryos or other large samples in their entirety
800x800 µm field of view with a Nikon 16x/0.8 NA objective or 300x300 µm field of view with a Zeiss 40x/1.0 NA objective
Capable of imaging up to 3 color channels (acquired sequentially) per experiment
Spatial resolution of 400 nm in X-Y and 2 µm in Z, isotropic spatial resolution of 400 nm possible through orthogonal multi-view imaging and multi-view deconvolution
Adaptive imaging framework with 10 degrees of freedom for maintaining optimal spatial resolution (by dynamically correcting for first- and second-order aberrations) and tracking specimen for the entirety of the experiment
Environmental chamber to ensure sample health and proper development during experiment
System Specifications
Excitation Lasers:
488 nm (Omicron fiber-coupled, 200 mW maximum)
561 nm (Omicron fiber-coupled, 150 mW maximum)
594 nm (Omicron fiber-coupled, 100 mW maximum)
642 nm (Omicron fiber-coupled, 140 mW maximum)
685 nm (Omicron fiber-coupled, 50 mW maximum)
16x 0.8 NA Nikon
20x 1.0 NA Zeiss
40x 1.0 NA Zeiss
2x Hammamatsu Orca Flash 4.0
Due to length of imaging experiments, fluorophores with excellent brightness and photon budget are required in order to maintain reasonable signal throughout imaging.
Cannot perform simultaneous multi-color imaging. Multiple color channels are acquired sequentially with a delay of 50 ms required for switching emission filters.
Spatial system resolution is less than that of the lattice light sheet microscope.
This is a diffraction limited instrument; it cannot perform super resolution imaging.